Today is Forget Me Not Day and USMC Day.
1959: Ken Brown is fired from the Quarrymen leaving John, Paul, and George.
1979: Fleetwood Mac gets a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
1979: The Rose, a thinly-veiled biopic of Janis Joplin, premieres in Hollywood.
NEW MOVIES IN THEATERS! Yes it's Almost Christmas (PG-13) opening nationwide tomorrow, as does the arrival of Arrival (PG-13). Don't be Shut In this weekend. Click here to check out all the new stuff to blow your hard earned money on at the movin' picture show.
PRINCE PORTRAITS! A new photography book, Picturing Prince: An Intimate Portrait will feature rare photos of Prince taken by his former art director and photographer. The collection will be released next April but is available for pre-order on the Amazon UK website. Get the details.

BOWIE'S ART! The "Bowie/Collector" auction, featuring more than 400 works of art Bowie's personal collection takes place today and tomorrow at Sotheby's London. The sale will feature the art Bowie collected from 2000 until his death.Get a preview.
BEFORE CELL PHONES! Click here to see how people imagined the future with mobile phones. Too funny.